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「 彼に知恵と英知と知識とあらゆる仕事において、神の霊を満たした。出エジプト31:3」と聖書に書かれているようにご要望に応えるために必要な、芸術的センスや技術力もすべて天より頂き、彼はそのデザインを完全に再現することが出来たのです。



In Exodus 31, there is a man named Bezalel. God called him by name and called him to make the tools necessary for worship.


Each of these tools was an excellent work of art, designed by God himself.


As written in the Bible in Exodus 31:3 "I have filled him with the Spirit of God, with wisdom, with understanding, with knowledge and with all kinds of craftsmanship," he received from heaven all the artistic senses and skills necessary to fulfill God’s request, and he was able to reproduce the design perfectly.


We named our group after Bezalel, in the hope that we will also receive daily creative energy and wisdom from God, our creation itself will be a worship, and we will produce excellent works of art just like Bezalel.

Origin of Bezalel

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